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Documentary Photography

Guy On The Window Documentary Photography

Philadelphia Documentary Photographer

In this blog, I will tell you why I am your ideal documentary photographer in Philadelphia. We all appreciate a good story, one that grips our attention with creative writing, and one that features photography accompanying the text which lures us to uncover more of the story. Over the years I have witnessed how photography has evolved and impacted the readership of different newspapers and… Read More »Philadelphia Documentary Photographer

Village of PanaJab - Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, in October, 2005 after Hurrican Stan

Village of Panajab | Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala

The village of Panajab on the coast of Lake Atitlan, Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala after Hurricane Stan poured torrential rain, saturating the slopes of the nearby volcano and triggering a landslide 4km long by 12m deep, burying people and their homes. These photographs were taken in the aftermath showing the destruction of the landslide and resolve of the locals. .